Guest Blog: Take a New Approach to Managing Your Documents

Regardless of the type of business we are in we spend much of our time creating, editing, distributing, reviewing or approving documents.

Documents form the lifeblood of almost all businesses. So why do spend so little time managing how we store them? We are all familiar with the questions “Where should I save this file?” or “What folder is that document stored in?” Every day we spend significant amount of the working day looking for important files or deciding where a document should be stored. While we might eventually find what we are looking for, there is a better way of managing your documents.

By implementing an electronic document management (EDM) system you could transform your filing systems. An EDM solution takes a different approach to managing your documents. Instead of focusing on what folder in which something is stored, it manages documents based on what it is and its properties. And because it is database-driven it becomes much quicker and easier to find documents.

With an EDM in place other aspects of your business become easier to control as well. In-built technology allows you to manage workflow tasks. For example, the Accounts Payable process can be automated and routed to the correct people in a company based on the value and sender of an invoice. Additionally, compliance with regulations in your industry become easier to manage using in-built destruction and retention policies. And best of all you can integrate an EDM with your existing applications. So your emails can be automatically stored to the system and you can quickly save Word or Excel documents without leaving the application. For more information on how an EDM might work for your business, please contact Cathal Dullea at Wesfile on 091 773020.

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